Thursday, August 14, 2014

Splatters happen and also wind (fun project)

I recently was on Etsy and came across a method for pouring tent weights and thought it was great...already have them poured and ready to go for the upcoming Estes Park Art Festival in September.

I took two pvc pipes 10 feet long and cut them in half, sealed them with caps on the end then lashed them to a fence post and filled the other end with cement and placed a long I hook screw (with nut on end for grips in cement) into the cement on the poured end before it hardened and I am now ready for whatever wind blows at me. They lay nicely close to the tent pole (better than the sand bags I have been using). Thanks to Etsy Metal and Kathryn Riechert.

So I thought I would return the favor, here is my solution to splashing, staining and steam while cooking when you have a wood cabinet that is catching it all from the side of the stove.

  This is simple tin purchased from Home Depot and placed in the vulnerable area where the heat and splashes occur.

I based this idea on the old pie safe you used to find in antique shops. I decided on the design, two moose heads to compliment the decor in the rest of my house. Drew the design out on just plain paper then laid it on the tin in the area needed and viewable.

I took the raw tin and placed it on a board that did not matter and took a very large nail and just tapped around the design until the profile I desired. Try to keep your tapping the same strength because it makes your holes all the same depth.

Now it is wipeable (if that is a word) and keeps steam and stain from ruining my cabinet.  Have fun and let me know what you tried. Also we had aluminum stove etc. in room so they matched (I guess you could do the same with copper if that matched better).

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