Friday, September 2, 2011

Barely Hidden

Barely Hidden

This has been one of my favorite pieces that I ever created and it was a good selling piece.  People say that if a piece of art is cute it isn't art...well I beg to argue with them but I think if any piece of work tugs on your emotions it works.

This was sort of like the Keeper of the Sacred Spirit, it came easily and fast and I knew exactly what I wanted from the clay before I even began.  This is a very small piece 5" x 5" x 4 1/2" so that it fits the miniature requirement and easily sits anywhere instead of demanding a lot of floor space with a pedestal.

Fawn are left to rest and gain their strength after birth and also are given the gift of no scent after birth where they do not attract predators. The doe goes to feed quite a distance away where her smell does not attract predators to her fawn. Often people find the fawns and think they are lost or have no mother and drag them home with them. Can you imagine the panic the doe feels when she returns and finds no baby. Sad....also sad that these fawn can not be returned to the wild as thought and usually die or are raised in captivity (even sadder).

Barely Hidden

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