Tuesday, August 19, 2014

unexpected fun

Recently as you know I was up in Jackson Hole participating in the Art Festival up there and during that time I met many really nice people.

Among those I met, a lady that is with the Teton Association and she studied my work closely and finally asked me if I had ever done a pika.

Now for those of you that live on the prairie and never have ever seen a pika, it is a very small animal kin to the rabbit that lives at a very high altitude and is endangered

because of the temperature change we are experiencing due to global warming (yes folks it is not a rumor, it is very real and changing faster than we imagine). These little critters are like the polar bear that drown looking for the missing ice bergs with the serving of seal on top. They continue to move higher and higher to find that cold altitude that they must live.

I had fun doing the research since we have them here as well as Wyoming does but they are way high up above Trailridge Road and Longs Peak trail along with the Ptarmigan.

I love doing fun little pieces and hopefully it will assist the Teton Association in their quest as a fund raiser. Here is my little guy...enjoy.

Not preaching just reminding, what you use and how you use it has an affect on every living little creature...think next time you make a purchase. It could be you on the endangered list next.

Thanks for dropping in.....

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